Beauty of Nature


Several woodland trails guide you through the quiet forest; to high granite rocks over the lake shore and to spectacular river rapids.


Rare and wonderful privacy, on a motor-free lake and river, support a magical, nourishing, “balm for the soul”  experience.


Swim, canoe, kayak, hike or read, relax and nap in a hammock.  Every season is uniquely beautiful and restorative.


Reconnect with Mother Nature and your sacred self within the exquisite stillness of  Maple Ki Forest Spirit Waters Retreat.



Salmon River Rapids   Sacred Spirit Waters   2006-08-28 12.21 Neil on Sunset Trail at Maple Ki

Maple-Ki-075   October 2012 027   100_0481

Maple Ki 02 2006 260   Maple Ki 02 2006 103   Maple Ki 02 2006 4

June 06 003   Maple Ki - May 2006 018   P1040248

Maple Ki 02 2006 81   100_0498   Maple Ki - May 2006 094

100_0482   Sunset-2   013_13

Maple-Ki-078   Maple-Ki-061   Maple Ki 02 2006 275

Maple-Ki-031   Maple-Ki-015   October 2012 023

Maple-Ki-205   DSCN0018   100_0355

Maple Ki 109   DSCN4389   Maple Ki - May 2006 086

100_0576   DSCN4394   DSCN4398
