A few years later, Julianna left the Centre, to work full time from her new home, and second location for Maple Ki. She delighted in hosting many guests from her home at Bass Lake, on the magnificent Bruce Trail. This beautiful lake inspired the addition of “Spirit Waters” to Maple Ki Forest.
Settling down to work only from her home, also offered her more time to further her studies.
Aromatherapy & the Rejuvenating Facial then became welcome additions to the services she offered.
Finding that the privacy & peacefulness of her surroundings was being compromised, she embarked on a 2.5 year search for a quieter & more secluded home & property for Maple Ki. She was thrilled to discover Cade Lake on the Salmon River, near Tamworth, Ontario. This place was a blessing & gift beyond her wildest dreams, as it was the most appropriate and exquisite setting for Maple KI, she had ever seen.
In June of 2001, Julianna & Maple Ki moved to their new home.
Soon after, Julianna’s sweet mother Mary joined her and both of them open their hearts and their home to welcome you.